Angiography Test Cost in India

Angiography is the medical procedure carried out to check for blockages in the arteries affecting the blood flow. It’s an important diagnosis that helps in detecting blockages and treating early issues for heart conditions. A timely diagnosis with the help of angiography can help the heart to perform properly and reduce the chances of heart stroke or attacks. The entire process is carried out in a standard medical procedure where the doctor uses a catheter to help visualize the blockages by using a contrast dye.

How Angiography Works (The Complete Procedure)

Angiography Heart

The entire process of angiography is conducted under the supervision of a qualified doctor and takes anywhere between 30 mins to a couple of hours depending on the issue and the condition of the patient. It requires certain abstinence like minimum fasting of 5 to 6 hours beforehand and a liquid-only diet before 2-3 hrs.

The process requires mild sedative or local anesthesia which is injected into the upper part of the thigh. Along with that, an anti-allergen is also given to the patient via the cannula on the arm. Once this is done, the patient is then required to lie down on the table where the procedure will take place.

A small plastic tube made out of sheath is then placed into the artery of the patient via the groin or wrist region and a catheter will be inserted into this sheath to identify and diagnose the artery and the blockage. The catheter allows for X-rays and a map of the artery area allowing the cardiologist to visualize the issue and suggest a proper diagnosis or procedure. Upon completion of the procedure, the patient is required to rest before being taken ahead.

How much does an Angiography cost in India?

The cost of an Angiography depends on various factors like:

  1. Doctor's or Consultant’s fees
  2. Age of the Patient
  3. Patient’s Medical history
  4. City or the area where such procedure is undertaken
  5. Hospital or the lab admission charges
  • The cost of an angiography starts from roughly Rs 1700 for a small diagnosis and scan.
  • In India, the average cost of angiography ranges around Rs 20000.
  • For an angiography in India, the maximum sum that can be charged can go as high as Rs. 2,10,000.

Types of Angiography

  • Coronary angiography: This angiography is done to diagnose and check on the heart and the nearby blood vessels carrying the blood.
  • Cerebral angiography: This angiography is done to identify the blood vessels and their blockages around the brain and nervous system.
  • Pulmonary angiography: This angiography is done to check the blockages in the blood vessels of the lung and pulmonary areas.
  • Renal angiography: This angiography looks into the state of blood vessels carrying blood and supplying around kidneys.


Angiography is a diagnostic procedure that helps to identify and understand the blood vessels and the blockage within them. A timely diagnosis of the blood vessel blockage allows for prior treatment and cure of the patient and prevents any harmful consequences like strokes or attacks in the future.

Angiography Test Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What Not To Do After Having An Angiography Test?

Ans: Right after having the angiography test, you’ll be advised to rest for the whole day. Not just that, there are some precautions that will be given by the medical professionals, for example, you will be advised not to lift heavy items for a day or two, and don’t push yourself too hard.

Q2. Is The Angiography Test Safe For Old People?

Ans: With angiography tests, doctors use a combination of artificial dye and x-ray imaging to see the blockage clearly. Even younger patients feel uncomfortable and may face nausea when the dye is inserted into the blood supply, however, it doesn't last long. Therefore, angiography is usually avoided when it comes to checking heart blockage issues in older people, and usually, they are recommended to have advanced imaging methods.

Q3. When Is It Required To Undergo An Angiography Test Multiple Times?

Ans: When having the angiography test for the first time, the doctor will consult and explain the results to you after it's done, and you’ll be provided with the best possible treatment options. And if you are already following a treatment plan, then after a few months, doctors may recommend having another angiography to ensure there are no blockage issues.

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