RPOC Full Form in Medical

What is the RPOC Full Form in Medical?

RPOC Full Form in Medical term is Retained Products of Conception. The placenta and other decidual tissues may be retained in the uterus, either partially or entirely, after birth. The medical term for this issue is (RPOC).

Clinical presentation and indicators of RPOC are not distinctive, and may be mistaken for those of the typical postpartum period. When there is persistent bleeding after childbirth, RPOC should be considered as a possible cause. Sonography is considered to be the safest and least expensive imaging technique for finding retained products, while ultrasound and MRI may be the most risk-free option for assessing the uterus for RPOC after delivery.

What else should you know about RPOC?

Ultrasound techniques such as transvaginal and transabdominal sonography can aid in the diagnosis of RPOC. Because of its greater resolution, transvaginal sonography is marginally more effective in this examination.

When the following are present, it is possible that RPOC is also present:

  • A normal-looking endometrial cavity with a thin, well-defined lining and very little fluid.
  • Echogenic material (perhaps blood clots) within the cavity of the endometrium that is not attached to the uterine wall (thin endometrial lining).

Consistent echogenic material as well as a bulk inside the uterine cavity (suggesting a retained placenta)