RBSK Full Form in Medical

What is the RBSK Full Form in Medical?

RBSK Full Form in Medical is Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram. The (RBSK) is an all- new program that will screen children from birth to age 18 for four different types of developmental delays (or “Ds”) so that they can receive help as soon as possible.

This includes deficiencies, diseases, and defects at birth and also development delays that include disabilities.

What else should you know about RBSK?

Note that while existing public health facilities will be used to manage diseases for those aged 6-18, specialized District Early Intervention Centers (DEICs) will handle those between the ages of 0 and 6.  For both age groups, DEIC will serve as a referral resource.

All existing Medical officers, ANMS, and Staff Nurses, at all delivery stations are responsible for doing the initial screening. As part of the HBNC package, ASHA will conduct in-home screenings of babies beginning 48 hours after birth and continuing for the next six weeks. Children from 6 weeks to 6 years will be screened in anganwadis centers and 6-18 year olds at school by specialized mobile block level teams.

It would be guaranteed that the essential treatment/intervention is provided at no cost to the family after the kid has been examined and referred from sites of identification.