PCOS Full Form in Medical term is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It is a frequent disorder that disrupts a woman’s ability to have children.
PCOS is characterized primarily by the following three characteristics:
PCOS may be suspected if at least two of these symptoms are present.
Follicles up to 8mm (about 0.3in) in size are found in polycystic ovaries, although they pose no health risks to the patient.
Eggs develop in sacs called follicles, which are still in their early stages. Ovulation fails to occur because these sacs in PCOS are dysfunctional.
Although precise numbers are elusive, it is estimated that roughly 10% of British women suffer with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Symptoms are not present for almost half of these women.
Type 2 diabetes & elevated cholesterol are only two of the many health issues that have been linked to PCOS in recent studies.