NFND full form in the medical term is the National Foundation for Neuromuscular Diseases. This organization is a non-profit type organization with the main goal to help scientists and medical professionals research the cause and cure of Neuromuscular diseases. In today’s world, we don’t have enough information about what triggers such severe diseases. Not only that, with some serious rare conditions, treatment is only possible when the disease is diagnosed in the early stages.
Some examples of neuromuscular diseases are Lambert-Eaton syndrome, Motor neuron disease, Neuromyotonia, Cramp-fasciculation syndrome, Congenital myasthenic syndromes, Multiple sclerosis, etc. In some complicated cases, patients lose mobility, hearing capability, and eyesight permanently. However, with some conditions, patients get a little better, but the attacks on the nervous system are recurring and leave permanent or irreversible damage to the body. In some rare cases, something triggers the immune system to start destroying the myelin cells of neurons, and ultimately that leads to multiple sclerosis. Since with most neuromuscular diseases, the immune system is responsible for damaging the nerves, researchers are constantly working on it to find a better cure to treat such life-ruining and life-threatening diseases.