DVP Full Form in Medical

What is the Full Form of DVP In Dentistry?

The full form of DVP in Medical is Deep vein thrombosis. This condition is attributed to a blood clot in one or more deep veins in the body. Deep vein thrombosis is most commonly observed in the leg. Deep vein thrombosis may lead to pain and swelling. In many cases, there had been no symptoms of DVP. The clot may develop due to a lack of movement or an accident/surgery. The problem needs to be taken seriously as the blood clot can travel to the lungs or heart, which may lead to another serious problem.

What Else Should You Know About DVP?

Apart from Deep vein thrombosis, DVP may also refer to the Deepest vertical pocket. This is the depth measurement method used for assessing the volume of amniotic fluid in the ultrasound. To measure the Deepest vertical pocket, the maximal depth of amniotic fluid without obstruction is measured. By obstructions, we mean the fetal parts or the umbilical cord.

Other full forms of DVP:

  • Deep Venous Pressure
  • Direct Venous Puncture
  • Divalproex Sodium
  • Division of Violence Prevention
  • Defective Virus Particle
  • diastolic ventricular pressure
  • dorsal vein of the penis

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