BF full form in medical term is Blood Flow. Medical professionals also use BF for body fat as well, but most commonly this acronym is used for blood flow in the human body. In the medical field, blood flow is studied by going very deep and learning how blood actually flows inside the human body. If there’s any irregularity in the blood flow or any obstruction, then it can be lethal for the patient or person.
You may have heard of terms like low blood pressure and high blood pressure, also heart attack. Right? Well, all these health conditions are directly related to the flow of the blood. We’re living in an era where a bad lifestyle is pretty common, which ultimately results in such blood and heart-related issues. Bad eating habits result in the clogging of the human heart by oil and fatty substances. Over time, the fatty substance called Cholesterol starts to build up inside heart arteries, which ultimately causes issues like uneven blood pressure and also heart attacks if left untreated. But thankfully, as of now, the medical field has become so advanced that we have cures for such lethal medical conditions as well.