helps you to find the best General Surgeon near you in Kalyan. All listed General Surgeon are specialise in their field, they follow all the routine procedure and treatment for every patient. They are expert in to find the root cause of your illness and give proper diagnosis.
Ans. General Surgeon is a medical professional who specializes in surgical procedures for numerous common diseases and injuries. Most of the time, general surgeons perform surgeries in the abdominal area of the body. For example, a general surgeon performs surgeries on organs such as the liver, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, bile ducts, spleen, rectum, appendix, etc.
Ans. Surgeries are usually required in critical conditions, where medications can’t stabilize the patient’s health. And if someone has a severe wound, or injury (especially in the abdominal area) then general surgeons perform surgery to pull the patient out of the danger zone. In short, emergency cases like skin burns, internal bleeding, amputated limb, obstruction in the intestine, or anything like that require surgeries by general surgeons.
Ans. Before the surgery, general surgeons may recommend various tests to ensure the best possible results after the surgery. Blood tests like White blood count, Glucose, Potassium, Complete blood count, and Coagulation studies are required before the surgery. Other than that, tests such as Chest X-rays, Electrocardiogram, and Urinalysis, are also recommended by general surgeons.
Ans. General surgeons usually handle the diagnosis, preoperative, and operative parts of the surgery. Not just that, they’re also responsible for managing the complications as well as providing care after the surgery to make sure the patient is healed properly. And general surgeons perform surgery for injuries and medical conditions that can have a life-threatening impact if not treated as soon as possible.
Ans. For the first appointment with a general surgeon, you should bring the old records of your medical history and nothing specific. The first appointment with a general surgeon is all about diagnosis and preparing a plan for the surgery according to the patient’s condition.