5 Evidence Based Reasons to Eat More Protein

Consuming protein can make you feel full for a more extended period. It can provide you with many health benefits, including increasing muscle mass. The effects of carbohydrates and fats on health are contentious. Though, everyone agrees to the fact that protein is essential. Many people consume enough protein to prevent deficiency.


Still, few individuals would do even better with a much higher protein intake. Various studies have suggested that a high-protein diet offers major weight loss and good metabolism benefits. If you are an athlete, consider adding isolate whey protein to gain muscle mass and muscle growth followed by recovery.

Here are 5 Evidence-Based reasons to eat more protein:

1. Helps To Increase Muscle Mass And Strength

Protein is known as the building blocks of your muscles. Eating enough protein helps maintain muscle mass and promotes muscle growth during strength training. Studies have shown that eating plenty of protein can help you increase muscle mass and strength.

If you are active physically, lifting weights and trying to gain muscle, ensure you get enough protein from your diet. High protein intake also helps prevent muscle loss during your weight loss journey.

2. Lowers Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a major reason behind heart attacks, strokes and kidney diseases. Interestingly, high protein consumption has been shown to lower your blood pressure. From 40 controlled trials, more protein lowered systolic blood pressure by 1.70 mm Hg on average and diastolic pressure by 1.15 mm Hg.

A study found that, in addition to lower blood pressure, a protein-rich diet also reduces LDL or bad cholesterol and levels of triglycerides.

3. Promotes Bone Health

There is an ongoing myth that protein, mainly animal protein, is terrible for your bones. This is based on the idea that protein increases acid in the body, causing calcium to leach from your bones to neutralise the acid. However, long-term studies indicate that animal protein has major bone health benefits.

By eating more protein, you tend to maintain bone mass better as you age and have a low chance of osteoporosis and bone fractures, especially for women at a higher risk for osteoporosis after menopause. Eating more protein and staying physically active is a good way to prevent that.

4. Helps In Weight Loss

A high-protein diet helps boost metabolism and can reduce calorie intake and cravings; many people increase their protein intake and lose weight instantly. The study has found that overweight women who ate 30% of their calories from protein lost 5kgs in 12 weeks. Protein also has benefits in fat loss during intentional calorie restriction.

Losing weight is just the beginning. Maintaining weight loss is a great challenge for most people. An increase in protein intake has been shown to help with weight maintenance. In a study, protein increase from 15% to 18% of calories reduced weight regain by 50%.

 5. Speedy Recovery After Injury

Protein helps your body repair after any injury. This makes perfect sense as protein forms the main building blocks of your tissues and organs. Studies have shown that eating protein after injury can help speed up recovery. When it comes to protein, choosing the best protein is crucial. You can consider adding Muscleblaze whey protein to your diet.


Even though protein consumption can have several health benefits for many individuals, it is not mandatory for everyone. Most people eat around 15% of their calories from protein, enough to prevent deficiency. In certain instances, people can benefit from eating more than 25-30% of calories. If you want to lose weight, work on your metabolism and make sure you get enough protein. Additionally, studies have shown that casein protein is also beneficial in weight loss.

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