The full form of NPU in Medical is Nomenclature for Properties and Units. This is a patient-centred clinical laboratory terminology used in clinical laboratory science. Nomenclature for Properties and Units allows the results of clinical laboratory examination to be used across geography, time and technology. The purpose of NPU is that it supplies unique identifiers for the type of properties for the laboratory data and electronic health records. NPU is also used for providing a specification of measurement units along with a structure to translate the definition into other languages. NPU also defines the examined properties using international standards and nomenclature.
Nomenclature for Properties and Units has improved the quality of patient care, and it has significantly reduced the percentage of error. In addition, Nomenclature for Properties and Units has also reduced the cost of healthcare and improved the portability of patient records. Apart from this, NPU also provides source data for epidemiological studies. The standards are taught during nursing and other medical courses.
Other full forms of NPU: