FSO Full Form in Medical

What Is the FSO Full Form in Medical?

The full form of FSO in medical term is “Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy.”

A surgical treatment called a Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy treats cryptorchidism, which is the undescended testicle. It has the names of the two surgeons, Dr George R. Fowler and Dr Robert E. Stephens, who first described the procedure.

Undescended testicles refer to the situation in which the testes do not descend into the scrotum before birth. 3% of all male babies are affected by this rather common disease. The problem typically improves on its own during the initial few months of life. Although it is not likely to occur independently, surgical intervention may be necessary when the testicle doesn’t quite descend into the scrotum by one year.

Fowler Stephens orchiopexy

What else should you know about FSO?

The best available research suggests orchiopexy be completed between six and twelve months of age. Around six months, an orchiopexy ought not to be performed. It is because of the risk of the testes gradually degenerating in the initial few months of life.

There are different advantages to Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy. First and foremost, it can avoid long-term side effects like infertility and testicular cancer linked to an undescended testicle. Moreover, it can lessen the chance of testicular injury and enhance the scrotum’s aesthetic appeal.

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