EDL Full Form in Medical term is Extensor digitorum longus. The EDL muscle is located in the anterior (extensor) region of the leg and has the appearance of a feather. The tibialis anterior, and fibularis (peroneus) tertius, extensor hallucis longus, are the other muscles that make up this compartment alongside the EDL muscle.
Each of these muscles has a role in dorsiflexion of foot because they traverse the dorsal portion of the ankle joint. The foot is everted and the toes are extended thanks to the extensor digitorum longus, a muscle that traverses the subtalar, metatarsophalangeal, and interphalangeal joints.
The tendons that make up the extensor digitorum longus begin on the proximal part of the medial side of the fibula, the anterior face of interosseus membrane, and the inferior aspect of the laterally tibial condyle. Originating fibres of fibularis longus muscles are united with the tibial condyle origin of this muscle.
From its point of origin, the muscle travels inferiorly and, a little distance above the ankle, separates into a tendon that travels under the upper extensor retinaculum through its inferior extensor retinaculum. A unipennate muscle is one in which all the muscle fibres join to the tendon on the same side.
The other full forms of EDL are: