ENG Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of ENG In Medical?

ENG Full Form in Medical is electronystagmography. Those who have vertigo, which is a misleading impression of spinning and motion that can induce dizziness, as well as persons who have certain other illnesses that affect vision and hearing are evaluated using this method. In order to capture the electrical activity of the eye, electrodes are inserted in certain areas both above and beneath the eye.

In response to a variety of stimuli, ENG is able to detect nystagmus, which is an involuntary fast eye movement. If the patient does not exhibit nystagmus in response to stimulation, there may be a problem within the ear, the nerves that feed the ear, or even certain regions of the brain. This test also has the potential to be used to differentiate between lesions that have developed in different regions of the nervous system and brain.


Reasons for ENG

It is possible to diagnose disorders of this peripheral vestibular system, which refers to the parts of your inner ear that are responsible for interpreting balance and spatial orientation, as well as disorders of the nerves that link the vestibular system to your brain as well as the muscles of the eye, with the help of an ENG.