You will see Rx written on the medical prescriptions, but do you know what the meaning of it is? Rx means recipe, which is derived from the Latin word Recipere. The word is written on top of the prescription as a heading. You may see this written as Rx, rx or RX. So, next time you look at your prescription, you will know the meaning of Rx. Find out some more interesting facts about Rx in the section below.
As mentioned earlier, Rx is written on the medical prescription. A medical prescription is a formal document given by the doctor to a pharmacist. The prescription authorizes the pharmacist to dispense certain drugs to the patient. You will be surprised to know that Rx came into existence in the 16th century. The prescription can be handwritten or printed, but it should bear the doctor’s signature along with the stamp, medical registration Id and other related information to be valid. The prescription also tells about the dosage, diagnosis and medical tests of a patient, and hence it becomes a very important record for you.