RWMA full form in medical term is Regional Wall Motion Abnormality. It falls under the coronary artery disease category and can cause a lot of heart problems. With this condition, the heart of the patient doesn’t contract as it should, mainly because the heart walls don’t get proper blood supply. RWMA or Regional Wall Motion Abnormality can be diagnosed when the patient is having irregular blood pressure issues. And in most cases, when medical professionals diagnose the patient’s heart for any abnormality, the RWMA can be identified.
In most cases, doctors suggest cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) for a better diagnosis of this condition. CMR is an MRI scan done for a heart diagnostic procedure. And with such a clear imaging technique, doctors can form a conclusion that how severe the condition is. Basically, the RWMA has four types, the first one is Hypokinesia, where the heart walls are moving comparatively less than a normal person’s heart. Akinesia is the second type where any part of the heart wall is not contracting at all. With Hyperkinesia and Dyskinesia, the abnormality can be pointed out by a non-professional person since the contraction is way too abnormal.