PG full form in medical term is Pyoderma Gangrenosum, which causes rapidly growing ulcers. And people with this rare condition feel excruciating pain because of these large ulcers. It can be a really problematic disease for the person suffering from it because it can go away after proper treatment, but the nature of Pyoderma gangrenosum is recurring. Therefore, it’ll reappear in the future mainly because of the trauma or damage to your skin.
Medical professionals are still searching for the actual cause of this rare medical condition, but the presumption is that it can be a result of some autoimmune diseases. However, it has been seen that 50% of people with Pyoderma gangrenosum also suffer from an underlying systemic disorder of some sort. It is most common in people suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases. This condition is often misdiagnosed and associated with or recognized as chronic ulcers, which can lead to worsening the medical condition of the patient. And in such cases, surgical manipulation can also make the ulcers reappear and cause devastating pain to the patient. Therefore, always preferan experienced medical professional for proper diagnostic procedures to get treatment accordingly.