LSCS Full Form in Medical

What is the Full Form of LSCS?

LSCS full form in Medical term is lower (uterine) segment caesarean section. It is made in the lower uterine segment above the attachment of the urinary bladder to the uterus to deliver the baby, resulting in less blood loss and easier repair than other types of caesarean sections. It is the most common type of caesarean section in which the surgical cut is made in the lower part of the uterus.

LSCS Full Form

The area of a lower segment caesarean section for the following reasons:

  • Healing is more easiest and most efficient
  • The minimal issue with suture loosening
  • The peritoneum is more loosely attached to the uterus
  • Contraction is less than in the upper part of the uterus

In the following situations, a vertical incision in the lower uterine segment might be performed:

  • Availability of lateral varicosities
  • Deeply engaged head
  • Constriction rind to cut through it

What are the reasons for an LSCS delivery?

Following are the major reason for caesarean delivery:

  • Baby’s developmental conditions
  • The infant’s head is too big for the birth canal
  • An infant is coming out feet first

Types of LSCS

Cesarean section has two types, varying as per the area of the incision on the abdomen. These include bikini cuts and classical cuts. The bikini cuts cause less pain after medical cuts and look better compared to classical cuts.