LAMA Full Form in Medical

What Is The Full Form Of LAMA In Medical?

LAMA full form in medical term is Leaving Against Medical Advice. It happens sometimes when a patient in a hospital just stands up and leaves the hospital without even notifying the hospital. Many people confuse it with DAMA, which stands for Discharged Against Medical Advice. But with DAMA, a patient is discharged when he/she signs a document asking for approval from the hospital for discharge. LAMA is a very prominent issue in the healthcare system, and it happens quite often as well.

Leaving Against Medical Advice

Why Is LAMA Such A Huge Problem In The Healthcare Field?

LAMA is not limited to just third-world countries; it is a considerable issue in developed countries as well. When a patient leaves the hospital between treatments without informing the doctors or the hospital, they open the door to potentially dangerous conditions. Sometimes it happens when a patient is fully sane and doesn’t want to get treated at the place where he is, but in the majority of cases, people leave the hospital under the influence of other people, or it could be because of some mental illness. In certain circumstances, the patient’s relatives may sue the hospital without being aware that the patient left against doctors’ advice.